In this page I am gonna tell you to develop your first website step by step. By the end of this page you will get to know to design and develop your static website using HTML and CSS.
How to create a website?
Our website is a source code which is going to be hosted by a web server. The website contains HTML, CSS and Javascript code. And that code and the site both are going to served and hosted on a server. Temporarily our local machine will be playing the role of that server.
So for now to start your development you need a machine (any linux, windows, mac OS) as a local server, one browser (Chrome, the most suitable and developer friendly) and a code editor (IMO, Visual Code).
Create an HTML File first:
Lets get started step by step:
Step 1: Create an empty folder anywhere in your machine

Step 2: Open in your editor

Step 3: Create an index.html file and then type html (Ref:1 )and the autosuggest will give you the autocomplete to select options. Then choose html:5 and it will give you some pre-populated code (Ref:2).


Step 4: Create a style.css file

Step 5: Provide some title and add your css file into the page
Step 6: Write some html in body tag and add styling in style.css file
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Step 7: Open this folder in file explorer and double click on the index.html file and you can see your page up and running locally

This is your first simple website using HTML and CSS.
Happy Coding (- <)